Monday, May 5, 2014

Courage Ride

Saturday August 23rd; Ride starts at 6:30-7:00AM

1421 540th St. SW Kalona, IA 

The Courage Ride travels over gently rolling hills, past Amish homesteads and over old stagecoach routes. The ride is known for its live music and one-of-a-kind rest stops that feature delicious food and friendly volunteers. There are six different routes, ranging from 16 miles to just over 100 miles. The ride starts at Iowa Mennonite School, 1421 540th St SW, Kalona, Ia., just 15 minutes SW of Iowa City. Registration: $50 prior to Aug. 16, $60 after. Includes breakfast and lunch, sag support and rest stops. Proceeds from the Courage Ride help fund sarcoma cancer research at the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Last year, over $42,000 was raised. The ride is sponsored by the Bicyclists of Iowa City. For more information or to register, visit:

1421 540th St SW, Kalona, Ia